For a quick and simple overview of SHIELD, we have a ~6 minute video to help you decide if SHIELD is for you.
For a quick and simple overview of SHIELD, we have a ~6 minute video to help you decide if SHIELD is for you.
For a quick and simple overview of SHIELD, we have a ~6 minute video to help you decide if SHIELD is for you.
For a quick and simple overview of SHIELD, we have a ~6 minute video to help you decide if SHIELD is for you.
In the event of an incident, your mind will be racing and not necessarily thinking straight. To make logging in simple and secure, SHIELD Mobile remembers your password for you to ensure you can respond to anything.
With no internet connectivity required, you can access your plan anywhere, anytime. SHIELD Mobile keeps things simple by downloading a local copy of your plan right to your device, intuitively including only the information you have permission to see.
During an incident it’s critical to make the right calls quickly. SHIELD Mobile makes all phone numbers clickable, allowing you to call any phone number in your plan with no dialing necessary.
Available on both iOS and Android, SHIELD Mobile is tested on hardware and software from a wide variety of manufacturer’s devices and vintages.
To ensure instant team communication when seconds count, SHIELD Communications now comes with ZipBridge. By avoiding all the hassles of organizing a traditional conference bridge, SHIELD Communications with ZipBridge allows you to talk to your Response Team with a single click, ensuring that you can always connect with critical members of your team when you need to.
Select what you need from the more than 250 pages of optimized content. Choose from 36 teams or add teams of your own with a single click. Easily build a plan that reflects your business. The first edition is almost written for you!
SHIELD is built to create plans, simple as that. Leverage the same tool that our consultants use to make your planning more effective. Simple features like plan mark-up save you endless amounts of time.
KingsBridge has been doing Business Continuity Plan software since 195 and we are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. Sign up for a Mentoring Session and you’ll learn how to make your planning more efficient and successful!
Your plan is critical to your business, so we take security very seriously. As a result, we use higher than bank-level encryption to ensure that your plan can only be accessed by you and your team.