Being prepared with your BCP by lessons learned from the past

Use your experiences from other "close calls" to be better prepared 2020 was a rough year: Experts thought that natural disasters including floods, landslides, mudslides and earthquakes would become more common, and they were right. Our need to be prepared is greater than ever because the impacts of these disasters are huge with: Being prepared […]

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BCP lessons learned from Hurricane Matthew

More specifically - BCP and Hurricane Matthew Back in 2016, Hurricane Matthew (a category 5 hurricane that hit the Western Atlantic for nearly two weeks), was an unwelcome reminder of the importance of business continuity planning and preparedness. In any disaster, there are many lessons to learn for all persons and organizations involved. Here we […]

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Learn lessons from the Lac Megantic disaster to improve your BCP

Using the Lac Megantic disaster to improve your BCP In July of 2013, the deadliest Canadian rail accident since 1867 occurred in Lac Megantic, Quebec. A series of errors resulted in a train carrying crude oil to roll downhill before derailing in the town of Lac Megantic. The accident resulted in: While it might be […]

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